Friday, March 09, 2012

Life is Unfair

menulis seikhlas sejujurnya oleh Kyra Ismera at 12:13:00 AM


rasanya dah lama aku tinggalkan blog.
dan sekarang masa untuk aku muntahkan segalanya kat sini
well,tak suka baca tak payah lah baca..

mungkin ini cara aku untuk menzahirkan perasaan yang terpendam.
actually i wish someone will be at my side.but.there's nobody.nevermine.Allah always be.

im sick of feeling so sick.
and to YOU miss.this is not bout love,
but its all about my journey to grab on dip.

oh well..firstly im touched with what madam had said :
that whats friends for.

i deserved to smile and think over it ? 
am i what friends for ? 

i hate when i felt guilty in make choices.
PHAS or class..

i decided class..
sorry guys :(
i didnt really mean  not to attend that particulars function.
but i have to choose my class..
hope you understand.
i not a good lead right ? HUH

what thats stand for ?
that stand for 'the beginning of fighting'
you and you.
dont dont and please dont

i know.
you never heard what i tried to said.
and now.
easily you put the blame on me and sis.
oh are such a good friend kan.
thats why you buat macam tu.
since we get along together from sem 1 until now..
but you still..arghh.
oke fine.i dont have to mention it as well as you know who you are kan.

what so ever.
aku dah penat
penat nak jaga hati semua orang sedangkan hati sendiri tak terjaga

bila aku explain kau sindir.
bila aku tak explain kau kata aku berlagak

what so ever lah to pakcik and makcik
kau senior.kau otai lah ?
kau ego.kau bajet kau boleh tengking orang lah ?

ouhh is unfair.
i hate to be served like this.
thanks ya kawan.
appreciate that much.
you make me realize that you are not such a good friend
and its same goes to ME
AND im not a good leader actually.
since i get busy with my extra class and others said im trying to lari dari tanggungjawab.

well people.Allah know EVERYTHING.
so let it be lah.
go on with your talk dirt.
really dont mind
but actually i am
im not a perfect person !

0 kata-kata hebat !:


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