Sunday, May 20, 2012

Beloved - My Love - Its so called LOVE

menulis seikhlas sejujurnya oleh Kyra Ismera at 9:47:00 AM
assalamualaikum and GudAM people ! wishing you happiness all the day with Allah blessing :)

I dont know why,
secara tiba-tiba terdetik untuk write something,
about MR or so called as my love =.= *blushing*

he is so lovely + caring = sweet !
aku memang tak boleh nak marah dia,even something dia saja je buat kita marah =.=
well semalam its happened !

aku ni memang typical negative thinking..
memang dah pesan kat dia hari tu..
if u're going anywhere,doing anything,get something to settle on..
please do text me telling that u're in that situation..
so that aku tak de la tertunggu-tunggu sampai dah mula negative thinking kan..

yela,so called love..
risau jugak..erkk eksiden ke..
pape ke kat jalan tu..
or something yang i wish it never happen la kan..

then semalam tengah texting me,
he replied the last one with
'sat naa'
then i said 'ok :) '

you know what !
i've been waiting for about 45 min..
eh itu bukan sat naa
itu lamaa naa

i keep calling him..
but no answered
text telah lah..
sure tak balas..

then around 1 am,
he called me..

hah ! memang aku marah la kan..
tapi dia ?
alololo..totally sweet..

dulu dia pernah cakap,
dgn ex sebelum ni..
if the girl marah dia,
dia diam je..

then time aku marah..
eh banyak pulak yang dijawabnya..
sampai nak marah pun tak jadi :P
nak tergelak lagi adala..
he keep asking me
'marah kite la tu'

then,terkantoi yang aku marah dia sambil senyum-senyum
worst is sampai tergelak..

haishh..u the one i love much..
thanks sayang :)
eh ! spe kata hubungan jarak jauh tak bertahan ?
kejujuran tu penting..
kami tak jumpa for almost 8 month taw !
but until now..
alhamdulillah..happy forever after :D
til jannah insyaallah =.=

0 kata-kata hebat !:


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